YouTube for Android will let you choose the default video quality

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YouTube for Android TV

YouTube is one of the most popular video streaming applications among Android users in Spain, which is also kept updated with new functions, although now only premium users will be able to try them before anyone else. The application is preparing to introduce a change long awaited by many soon: being able to choose the default video quality.

This new menu, intended for video quality settings, is already showing up to some users on YouTube for Android, having started its testing this summer. In it you can see a series of options, among which we find the possibility of selecting which will be the default video quality in the app.

New menu to manage video quality on YouTube

YouTube new menu choose quality

YouTube is testing a new simplified menu in which users will be able to manage all the options related to video quality. In this menu we will find the Automatic, Better video quality, Data Saving and Advanced options, so that you can directly select the one you want to use, depending on the situation. The idea is that this menu makes the choice simpler for users.

In addition, within the Configuration section of the application, a new section called “Video quality preferences”. In this section you will be able to select the default video playback quality. This is something that we can select for when we are using WiFi and when we are using mobile data. Thus, the user can determine the option they want to use in each case, or let the app use automatic mode, which will allow efficient management.

YouTube choose playback quality

These new options are starting to show up now for some YouTube users on Android using the beta of the application. Although the number of users who have access is limited and it seems to be something that is being released from the server side, so it is only up to Google that these new functions reach more users.

These next few weeks will probably be deployed among more users in the app, but at the moment there are no dates for its stable launch.

YouTube for Android will let you choose the default video quality 1

The YouTube for Android entry will let you choose the default video quality that appears first in The Free Android.