WhatsApp will automatically mute conversations you archive

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WhatsApp is being one of the issues in Spain this past week, after the change in its privacy conditions. This change affects users outside of Europe, which has caused many to make the decision to leave the Facebook messaging application and switch to others such as Telegram. Meanwhile, the app continues to work on new features.

In the new beta of WhatsApp it has been possible to see a new function, which is designed to mute automatically those chats that you archive. Called Read Later, it is expected that it will not take long to reach users of the app on Android.

WhatsApp will mute archived chats

WhatsApp read later Read Later

We have been able to archive chats on WhatsApp for years. By doing this, said conversation is not shown in the conversations window, but is stored in the File section. When we receive a new message in that chat, the conversation will go back to that conversation window, leaving the archive. With the new Read Later feature, this is going to change.

The Read Later function will allow us to save any chat to read it later. This chat will be archived, as was the case until now, but also this conversation will be muted automatically. This means that if someone sends a message in said chat, it will not be shown as before. Although users will have the option to move these chats to the main window if they want.

With this change, WhatsApp seeks that the user can archive those conversations you don’t want continue, without having to delete them. In addition, it also allows you to avoid interruptions, since that chat will not be displayed in the main window, nor will it issue a notification. Users will have the option to choose to archive conversations and mute them or just archive them.

WhatsApp Read Later

This feature is expected to come to WhatsApp this year. Most likely, in some of the next betas of the application we will already have access to this new feature, but at the moment no dates have been given.

The WhatsApp entry will automatically mute the conversations that first appear on The Free Android.