WhatsApp open beta on Android: so you can join us

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WhatsApp open beta on Android: so you can join us

If you were expecting to WhatsApp open your program of betas on Android because you stayed out of it, now you have a chance: the company has activated the beta hidden in the Google Play Store. And it is very easy to sign up, you only need to know the specific URL.

WhatsApp keeps on constantly developing your mobile app. And going anticipating often the result of this development, is what is known as ‘beta’. It is not complicated to download the latest version of WhatsApp on Android as pages as Apk Mirror collect all the betas (or the own the company’s web), but it is not as easy to sign up personally to the program of betas, an option that allows you to directly update WhatsApp beta from Google Play. It is normally closed, but now there is space to sign up. And you’ll have to run if you want to your site.

Open the private beta of WhatsApp in Android

Whatsapp Beta

Any developer can give the opportunity to its users to test the applications without finish so that will help correct errors. Google offers tools beta through Google Play Console: it is possible to make it public and that the entry appears in the tab of the app; and also provide access to a specific number of users without the availability of the beta is publicly seen. WhatsApp is currently in the second option.

If you go to the tab of WhatsApp, you will see that Google Play notifies you of that is closed. But don’t despair, this is what you must do to enter:

  • Open a desktop browser. If you’re not on a computer using the desktop mode in Google Chrome mobile, for example.
  • Access this link, sign in to your account and click on ‘Become a betatester’. You’re in the beta.
  • Google Play will replace the stable version of your WhatsApp with the latest beta. And the will be updated as the company have new version in development.
  • If you want to get out of the beta you can click on the same link and click on ‘Exit the program’.
  • In the event that you do not get the option of a betatester try it in another browser or use the incognito mode. Remember: the gaps are limited.
Whatsapp Beta

We do not recommend leaving the beta of WhatsApp since usually completed too fast and then it costs to re-enter (we can attest). So take advantage of it while it lasts and sign up: only thus you will receive the latest updates from Google Play, and before anyone else.

The news

WhatsApp open beta on Android: so you can join us

it was originally published in

Xataka Android

Ivan Linares


WhatsApp open beta on Android: so you can join us 1

WhatsApp open beta on Android: so you can join us 2