WhatsApp calls and video calls begin to reach the computer

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WhatsApp calls and video calls begin to reach the computer 1

WhatsApp is the most used messaging application in Spain, and although traditionally it does not have a consistent history of updates with great improvements, it seems that this 2020 they have gotten quite the batteries with some features that although they are not excessively innovative, they were necessary .

Video calls are one of the characteristics that have taken on the most importance in recent months due to confinement and social distancing. WhatsApp has been improving this feature, but still needed a key upgrade, like the one you are starting to receive today.

WhatsApp calls and video calls begin to reach the computer

Today, the only way to use WhatsApp on the computer is through the official applications or WhatsApp Web, methods that are linked to the mobile application to function. Although it works relatively well, the desktop version is not only subordinate in terms of connection, but also in functionalities, which sometimes arrive with a noticeable delay.

WhatsApp calls and video calls have been on the mobile for a long time, but they had not yet appeared on the computer. As WABetaInfo reports, there seems to be little wait, as it is beginning to reach some users.

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Keep in mind that it comes in the testing phase, as suggested by the icons that will appear in the conversation to make a call or video call.

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When we make or receive the video call in question, it will appear in a floating window independent of the application. We like this aspect a lot, since it allows us to continue chatting while still paying attention to the call.

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The feature is coming in beta form. Although it is recommended that you have the latest beta version of the application installed, this function is being activated from the WhatsApp servers for a small number of users. Still, it will most likely begin to reach the world in a matter of weeks.

The entry WhatsApp calls and video calls begin to reach the computer appears first in The Free Android.