Unlock the Damascus and Diamond camouflages

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Previously in CoD Mobile, the best camos were Gold and Platinum. We had to complete all the camouflage challenges for a weapon to unlock Gold, and then unlock Gold for all weapons of that class whether it was SMG, assault rifle, etc. That unlocked the Platinum weapon camo for them.

Call of Duty®: Mobile
Call of Duty®: Mobile

Unlock Damascus Camouflage

It has not been around forever, but it has come to stay. This new skin for weapons it is not the most complicated to unlock. The objective is simple and clear, we must get platinum in each of the proposed weapons. This is where the challenge comes, in the number of weapons that are necessary to achieve the camouflage of Damascus. However, we leave the list with the requirements to take into account:

  • Platinum Assault Rifles
  • Platinum SMGs
  • Platinum Sniper Rifles
  • Platinum LMG
  • Platinum Shotguns
  • Platinum pistols
  • Platinum launchers
  • Platinum Melee Weapons

damask camouflage cod mobile

Obviously it goes without saying that it is not a walk. It costs a lot to reach the platinum level in each weapon, especially when we get to both the launchers and the melee weapons, not as used as the rest of firearms. We have to say that this camouflage is characterized by dark but very bright shades, featuring different blues and red or orange lines that run across the entire surface.

How to unlock the Diamond camo

With respect to the previous one, difficulty in achieving it increases more, and it is not for less, since it is one of the most mythical of the saga. In fact, it is considered an “end-level camouflage” within COD Mobile, so players will have to do more to achieve it. It is true that in the past the procedure was similar to that of Damascus, but now you have to unlock it by performing not easy challenges that will be launched exclusively for camouflage.

diamond camouflage cod mobile

The challenges appear spontaneously, although a lot has to do with getting the gold level of a series of weapons until you unlock this Diamond camo. However, unlocking the camouflage in CoD Mobile is different than what you may be used to previouslyAs unlike other Call of Duty games, unlocking other camouflages will not lead to the diamond version.

CoD Mobile is about getting kills, therefore, Activision’s goal for its players is to get more than 1000 kills among all the weapons proposed for the challenge, which will be the necessary ones to get your hands on this exclusive camouflage:

  • Assault Rifles: 10 kills per game in 150 games (1,500 total kills for each assault rifle).
  • SMGs: 10 kills per game in 120 games (1,200 total kills for each SMG).
  • Sniper Rifles: 10 kills per game in 120 games (1,200 total kills for each sniper rifle.)
  • LMGs: 10 kills per game in 120 games (1,200 total kills for each LMG).
  • Shotguns: 10 kills per game in 120 games (1,200 total kills per shotgun).
  • Pistols: 10 kills per game in 80 games (1,200 total kills for each pistol).
  • Melee: 500 total kills with each melee weapon.
  • Launchers: 100 UAV kills with each launcher.

Obviously it’s going to take a long time to get the Damascus and Diamond camos on each weapon, but the camo is absolutely gorgeous so it’s definitely worth the time to get it.