These are the functions that will come soon to the Google Contacts app

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These are the functions that will come soon to the Google Contacts app 1

The Google Contacts app is an application that thousands of Android users in Spain have installed on their phones. With this app it is possible to have your contacts saved and be able to access them from your Google account. In addition, the app is already synchronized with the contacts on the mobile, which is another important aspect. Google keeps it updated frequently, introducing new functions.

A host of new features in Google Contacts is coming. A number of new features have been discovered and will be coming to the Android app shortly and are currently being tested. Although so far no dates have been given for its introduction.

Google Contacts keeps getting better

Google Contacts Profile Picture

The first function that has been discovered is the possibility of add a profile photo manually. If you go into Google Contacts and you don’t have a profile photo yet, there is an icon for a photo, so you can upload a photo manually, if you have one saved on your phone, for example. It will be possible to choose between a photo from the gallery or to take a photo at that moment and then change that photo.

In addition, the application will finally insert a recycle bin. Thanks to it, when you delete someone as a contact, they will not be permanently deleted, but will remain in said trash for a total of 30 days. This way you can restore it if you change your mind or if it was a mistake to delete that person.

This function came to the web version in summer, so it will now come to the app on Android. The option to restore to a contact it will be simple, as it will just take one press to do it. In the Google Contacts settings you can see that there is a trash can, in the form of a new option.

It is not known when they will be made official these new functions in the app. At least it is good to see that Google is working on improving this application with features that promise to be useful and contribute to a better user experience. We hope to have information soon on when they will arrive.

The input These are the functions that will come soon to the Google Contacts app appears first in The Free Android.