One of the advantages of activating the Google Maps timeline is to be able to later check where you have been. Or, without having to do anything, Google sends you every month a summary of where you’ve been, with an annual summary that usually arrives in the first days of January.
With a year 2020 that much of the globe has passed with some form of mobility restriction, this travel summary seemed a bit out of place, so Google has made a few adjustments to the summary of the 2020 timeline, more focused on local visits than in travel.
The summary of where you went in 2020
2020 was not a good year for tourism, with flights canceled, restrictions on the entry and exit of countries and the threat of the coronavirus in practically the whole world. During the past year, Google incorporated several changes to adapt to this new reality in several of its products, including Google Maps, and now it’s your turn to the summary of the year.
If you have the Google Maps chronology activated, you receive each month a summary with the sites you have visited in your email. At the beginning of the year, the summary is from the previous year, with a subject “your news for 2020”. The summary of this year is something different, focusing on sites and not travel.
Last year’s summary included the following sections: your visits in 2019 (countries included), your activity in 2019, countries and regions visited, cities visited, sites visited, and featured trip. The 2020 summary introduces subtle changes, with the following sections: Your 2020 visits (only cities and places), your 2020 trends, cities visited and sites visited.
The new visits section tells you how much time you spent shopping and in restaurants each month of the year, while the route summarizes the hours on foot or by car each month. There is no trace of countries visited or trips.
What you will see is a summary of the sites and cities visited during the yearas well as the percentage of the perimeter of the earth that you have traveled and the cumulative data of countries, cities and places visited since you activated the chronology.
As we mentioned before, Google sends this summary as email to the email linked to the Google account that activated the timeline. Mail is already being sent to users, although it may take a while to arrive. If you didn’t have the timeline active, there is no way to get this information … until next year.
Via | 9to5Google
was originally published in
Xataka Android
Ivan Ramirez