Google has been trying for several years to position itself not only as the owner and designer of Android, but also as a relevant manufacturer. For this I create the Nexus and, shortly after, the Pixels.
However, in countries like Spain its presence is almost testimonial, despite the good work of its software.
And that is what will improve shortly as announced by the company, since it wants its mobiles to be able to calculate the heart rate using the cameras.
Google Fit will be updated with two new features
In said announcement Google has indicated that the heart rate measurement it will be through the application Google fit, and this new feature can be used when its next update is released. To use this measurement, we must put our finger on the rear camera. This feature is not new as it has been seen in other models, but not in an app of the caliber of Google Fit.
In addition, the respiratory rate can also be measured, using elements such as cameras, accelerometers, etc. For this, the front camera will be used, as we see in this video:
These two functions will come to the Pixel at first, although it has already been indicated that in the future they will be available in more models using this app. Of course, it will not be until next month that we begin to be able to use the two new features in Google mobiles, which puts the use away a bit in other models.

The entry The Pixels will be able to measure the heart rate with their cameras appears first in The Free Android.