The new Gmail widget for the iPhone is one of lime and another of sand

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The new Gmail widget for the iPhone is one of lime and another of sand 1

Gmail is one of the most used mail applications in Spain as each Android user has a Google account and comes pre-installed on practically any mobile phone. That does not mean that it is an exceptional application, to the point where iPhone users themselves tend to prefer this mail client to the one that Apple includes as pre-installed.

With iOS 14, there are many new features for Gmail users, such as being able to use this client as the default application. It has also meant the arrival of a widget that is spectacular at the design level and that makes us envy, but that also shows one of the obvious weaknesses of iOS widgets.

The Gmail iOS 14 widget that makes us envy the iPhone

The new Gmail widget for the iPhone is one of lime and another of sand 2

Last night, Google announced its update to Gmail for iOS, an update that launches its own widget, one of the most outstanding novelties of iOS 14. From the first moment, the widget draws our attention, since at the design level it is a last, and makes us envy the iPhone if we take into account the widgets that we have from Gmail itself on Android, useful widgets, but those that are already showing age.

The new Gmail widget for the iPhone is one of lime and another of sand 3Gmail widgets on Android.

This new widget, spectacular as it may seem, demonstrates the limitation that the iPhone has with widgets. Each of the buttons is nothing more than a direct access to a Gmail function, and as Apple explains in its developer guides, widgets can only show information and at most, show shortcuts and shortcuts, being impossible any interaction with them.

This limitation does not exist as such in Android, and it is that in our system we do have the possibility of interacting with widgets. If Google were to design this same widget on Android, we could enjoy an exceptional widget, but it does not seem that it will happen, since it is the typical development in which Google puts more effort in iOS than in Android. It may be because on iOS you have to fight for users while on Android it is enough and more than just being the pre-installed application.

The new Gmail widget for the iPhone is one of lime and another of sand 4


The entry The new Gmail widget for the iPhone is one of lime and another of sand appears first in The Free Android.