The Motorola Edge + begins to update to Android 11

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Motorola Edge +

The Motorola Edge + was the manufacturer’s return to the high-end last year, launching this device in Spain in July. This is the flagship of the brand, waiting to be left with some new high-end model soon. Being the flagship, many wondered when the update to Android 11 was going to be released for this device.

Luckily, that moment has already come. Updating to Android 11 for the Motorola Edge + it is finally reality. The brand has already started rolling out this update for its flagship in the high-end range.

Android 11 for Motorola Edge +

The Motorola Edge + begins to update to Android 11 1

The update to Android 11 for this Motorola Edge + It has started in the United States, for users who have a rate with the Verizon operator. They are the first to have access to this update, which has the serial number RPB31.Q1-19-19-11-2. Along with it, the security patch of March 2021 for the device is introduced.

Not only in the United States is this deployment beginning, because it also seems that it is beginning to launch it in Brazil, although few users have access to it. In the next few days this update should begin to reach more users in more countries, although Motorola has not given dates.

The update allows users with this Motorola Edge + enjoy the news of Android 11. Among them we find single-use permissions, notification history, notification bubbles or programmable dark mode, for example. Many new functions for better use of the device.

If you have this phone, you will have to wait a bit to be able to access this update. The fact that it has started its deployment in the United States is a good sign, although it was originally going to be released in February, so Motorola is taking longer than desired to launch.

The entry The Motorola Edge + begins to update to Android 11 appears first in The Free Android.