When Windows 11 was introduced one of the spotlights focused on the app store from Microsoft. The American company wants to promote Microsoft Stores. In the compilations of Windows 11 we see how they work to improve their functions and now they also take a new step to open the app store to third parties.
A new Microsoft Store is here, with a complete redesign and more features, including now the ability to host third-party stores. A process that Microsoft has announced and that has been launched with the integration of Amazon and Epic as members of the Microsoft Store.
Epic and Amazon the first to arrive
An important step that benefits above all the user, who now has access to a more complete Microsoft Store, since the integration of third-party stores means that their applications will also be available in the Microsoft Store. This is the case of Amazon and Epic, the first two to take advantage of this advantage.
Buying any of the applications of these two stores from the Microsoft Store will not differ from what it means to buy an application that was present in the application store of the Redmond company. The process will be the same.
In the case of Amazon, it was expected, as it may be the previous step for the arrival of Android-based applications to the Microsoft Store. In fact Amazon will be in charge of providing Android applications to Windows 11.
For your part, Epic, recent news about his conflict with Apple, has found in the Microsoft Store what the apple company has denied it: an app store open to third parties with your payment gateway.
The opening of the Microsoft Store to other companies means each company that wants to integrate will be able to maintain its own payment methods and unlike “other platforms”, Microsoft is not going to take any commission from the apps sold. Only in the case of games, Microsoft will take a commission that will be 12%, less than Apple, for example.
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Microsoft has a tough job with the app store. Give force to the Microsoft Store so that users choose to download from there rather than from any of the sites from which it is possible to download applications. Integrating other stores is a big step and now they mostly have to put order in the Microsoft Store to facilitate searches and have a really attractive store.
Via | Engadget
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Engadget Windows
Jose Antonio Carmona