Sell ​​your photos to improve artificial intelligence: Microsoft’s new idea

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Microsoft Trove featured

Microsoft has a large number of projects underway, of the most varied. If the firm left us weeks ago with the Surface Duo, which would arrive in Spain in 2021, they are also currently working on projects related to artificial intelligence. This is the case of Microsoft Trove, a project that has attracted attention for its proposal.

The idea is that users contribute their own photos to Microsoft Trove, some photos that will later be used to train machine learning models. In exchange for handing over these photos, users can win rewards and prizes, or get money for them.

This is Microsoft Trove

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Thanks to the photos that users contribute, the developers have access to a wide range of graphical data, which would otherwise be difficult to gather. In addition, these photos are varied and meet requirements that stock photos do not provide, so they are of greater help in machine learning training. Microsoft Trove is responsible for putting both parties in contact on this platform.

Developers can establish what kind of images they need, explaining everything in detail, in order to contact users who will be able to take these images. Either photos that you currently have in your gallery or taking new photos with your camera. For these images, users will get money, which they will receive through PayPal. There are also contests, with prizes like Amazon gift cards worth up to $ 500.

Microsoft Trove promises transparent use of such images, as well as protect their copyrights. This allows users to control how their photos are used. Since they will be able to see in which projects they are being used and if there is one in which they do not want them to be used, they will be able to request the developers to stop using them.

Microsoft Trove

Microsoft Trove is limited to the United States for now, where they are already looking for participants, both on Android and iOS. It is not known if Microsoft has plans to launch this initiative in the form of an app in Europe soon.

The entry Sell your photos to improve artificial intelligence: Microsoft’s new idea appears first in The Free Android.