Everything points to that we still have a good way to end this quarantine, at least in Spain, a situation in which there is a the following dichotomy: we are isolated, but thanks to the Internet, more in touch than ever.
Artists Danielle Baskin and Max Hawkins want to help those people who feel alone, and to this end they have created QuarantineChat. As its name suggests, is a project that aims to connect people who need company to be in full quarantine.
Obviously, despite not being able to get out of our homes, thanks to social networks or messaging services we can stay up to date with our family and loved ones.
Excited to announce: QuarantineChat. A voice-chat chat app connecting you to quarantined people around the world. 😷☎️https://t.co/rzi3jmjInd
— Danielle Baskin (@djbaskin) February 29, 2020
This platform has as its mission the relive the spontaneity of a conversation with a stranger, something that could happen (for example) in the queue of a supermarket, or with the person who travels at your side in the train.
“Sometimes the confidence is disgusting”, says a famous saying. And many times we are able to show us in a completely different way to people who don’t know us deeply, because they do not have much data as to judge or have to be extremely delicate so as not to damage a non-existant relationship.
How does it work?
We will ask you to enter your phone number and select the prefix of our country. It works for both devices Android and iOS. Its creators promise that we will be in contact with someone who is “trapped at home”.
Calls are processed through the Internet through the application Dialup (another project of Danielle Baskin), in place of the traditional phone system, so you are completely free to anywhere in the world.
We will receive an SMS that will ask us to install the application Dialupfor from that time to receive random calls from other users who have registered to this experiment.

The call will appear with the ID of “QuarantineChat”, and we must know that is a complete service private: the other person can only see the user name that you have specified.
It may be a good idea to make it a bit more enjoyable these days of isolation and news a bit worrying. To connect with someone on the other end of the world and chat for a while may be something that we are happy is the day.
The news
QuarantineChat: a website that you are paired randomly with isolated people around the world to
it was originally published in
Santi Araujo