New Google Play Store comparator with similar apps

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This comparator makes Google Play find similar apps or games for us when we want to download a program.

The Google Play Store comparer is still an experiment

Keep in mind that this type of comparison is focused and specialized in multimedia players. Therefore, depending on the application that we open, the comparison should change to indicate the most important characteristics depending on the category of application that we are using.

Now the Play Store is experimenting with a new change that shows direct comparisons between similar apps to allow users to decide which one best suits their needs. The section «Compare applications» appears in individual app lists near the bottom of the page. Mind you, it seems to be limited to some popular media players at the moment.

comparator apps google play store

Therefore, if we slide down to reach a table where various characteristics are compared. Among them, the community score, number of downloads, the quality of the videos it supports, if it is capable of playing content offline, types of controls, its ease of use and if it belongs to the category of editors’ selection.

How Google collects the information for this comparer

Google often asks people who leave app reviews simple questions, and the data displayed is likely based on these types of user feedback. With so many apps on the Play Store, it can be difficult for the best ones to rise to the top. Comparing some of the options side by side so that users can see their options seems like a pretty smart choice.

Like many other tests Google runs, it is unknown when or if it will be rolled out more widely. It has been detected in the version 22.4.28, so if we don’t have that edition of the store, we can always get the APK from Google Play to access the version long before it is updated. For this function to be much more useful and complete, it must reach many more applications of different genres and above all, in games where you can see the characteristics without having to download them.