miDGT: so you can know when the ITV expires from your mobile

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miDGT: so you can know when the ITV expires from your mobile

MiDGT is one of the applications-phenomenon of today, since we can finally consult all the data related to our vehicles from the mobile, as well as carry the license digitally.

We will teach you how can you see when your ITV expires to avoid surprises with the authorities since, although it is easy to consult it from the application, you may not have yet realized where exactly to look, since it is not indicated as such.

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From miDGT you can see when the ITV expires

In miDGT, automatically, all the data related to your vehicles appear. Just below your driving license, you will see the section ‘my vehicles’. Even though there is no drop down button, If we click on any of the vehicles, all the information related to it appears.

Specifically, there is a section that we are going to consult, ITV. In this, it appears if the last ITV was favorable or unfavorable (if it has never passed it, it will appear favorable), as well as the end date of the ITV. This will be the date on which our ITV expires, so we will have to make an appointment when it approaches.

From miDGT we can check the expiration of the ITV, but the payment cannot be made. To make an appointment and pay the fees we will still have to do it through the ITV stations of our city

For the moment, It is not possible to pay the ITV from the application, depending on the payment of the ITV station to which we are going to go, in which we will have to pay in person.

The news

miDGT: so you can know when the ITV expires from your mobile

was originally published in

Xataka Android

Ricardo Aguilar


miDGT: so you can know when the ITV expires from your mobile 1

miDGT: so you can know when the ITV expires from your mobile 2