Mad Dog Jones is an illustrator, american famous in Instagram by your style of “cyberpunk”. Most of their works are works that show man’s dependence on technology and are extremely loaded colors and different elements.
What draws Mad Dog are most of all cities and people surrounded by silicon, skyscrapers, advertising, and consumerism. His work is created specifically for social networkssometimes, commissioned by famous artists or big companies, and that is why it is in your account of Instagram where you’ll see most of your illustrations.

Precisely for this reason it is difficult to find high res versions of these images, even in the page of his exhibit at the Diesel Art Gallery there are very few. And on your personal website only a couple of products from their store.

My recommendation here is that if you want to use these amazing images as wallpaperis that opt for [descargarlas desde Instagram](If you like the style of cities like you see in Blade Runner, the cyborgs, the retrofuturismo, the varpowave, etc, You’ll like the art of Mad Dog Jones. ), and if they are of very low resolution for their screens, use something like waifu2x to climb them without losing quality apparent.

If you like the style of cities like you see in Blade Runner, cyborgs, the retrofuturismo, the vaporwave, anime, etc, You’ll like the art of Mad Dog Jones and his explosion of colors. It is the type of modern art that looks great gracing a screen.
The news
If you are looking for wallpaper perfect take a look at the illustrations cyberpunk Mad Dog Jones
it was originally published in
Gabriela Gonzalez