Huawei’s alternative to the Google search engine can be used on any mobile

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Throughout 2020, Huawei has seen the United States’ decision to veto the company’s access to any product that came from the United States strengthened. That has directly affected the ability to use not only Android in the way it used to, but also Google applications.

To replace them, it has created alternatives, from an application store called AppGallery to its own search engine, which today is launched in Spain for mobile devices.

Search engines Go Petal and Petal Search reach all mobile phones in Spain

Huawei's alternative to the Google search engine can be used on any mobile 1

The company has communicated that its new search engine is operational so that any mobile user in Spain can use it, not only those who have brand devices, as has happened until now.

For this they have not enabled a web address, but two, and The reason why there are two options, although aesthetically they are the same page, has not been explained.

Huawei's alternative to the Google search engine can be used on any mobile

This search engine works throughout Europe from Spain, and has been optimized thanks to Artificial Intelligence. In addition, it has an interface designed for mobile, which makes it a shock to use it on desktop devices.

We have multiple search categories, such as sports, cinema, shopping, hotels or flights, which offer different results depending on the country from which we are searching.

At the bottom we are invited to download the application from this same search engine, which we can download and install using a conventional APK.

Looking to create a complete ecosystem beyond the search engine

Huawei's alternative to the Google search engine can be used on any mobile

Huawei demonstrates with this movement that it is not only going to do without Android with Harmony OS but that it wants to create alternatives for all Google applications, including the all-powerful search engine.

This is something really complex that no company outside of China or Russia has achieved, and for political reasons alone.

The entry Huawei’s alternative to the Google search engine can be used on any mobile appears first in The Free Android.