How to update apps without Google Play APKUpdater

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It is a project of Rumboalla, a creator of the forum GitHub that has developed this application, which is still in beta phase, but that has several updates to their backs. These updates have corrected aspects of the operation and in particular of the customization, with the possibility of changing the interface between the various issues.

How to install APKUpdater

Obviously, this installer is not found in the Play Store, so you’re going to get it through other avenues. The options are almost unlimited, you can download this app from the myriad of repositories such as APKPure, APKMirror or GitHub, so there is no difference of where it is obtained. Then, the steps to follow will be very simple:

  1. Download the app link to GitHub.
  2. Install the APK file that we downloaded in the browser.
  3. Grant the permissions of storage, and the recognition of external sources.

apkupdater menus

Would already be in the app list to update any program installed in the terminal, either by default, an app from Google or third parties. To proceed to a renewal of any app, just turn to the section “Updates”, where do we find willing.

How to update apps in APKUpdate

Taking into account that it is an open-source program, the performance is more than correct when updating apps, even for a mobile phone that uses Google services. To obtain the files of each of the apps, it supports in 4 great sources to get them, all well known by the community.

apkupdater customization

Will try the own Google Play, F-Droid, APKMirror and Aptoide. In fact, in the already mentioned upgrades menu, all the apps have several options to download these new files from any of the 4 sources. As it shows where they come from their sources, is an aspect that is reassuring in terms of safety.

Lights and shadows in the app

APKUpdater offers many more benefits extra apart from those already mentioned. And it has multilanguage support and coverage for a large number of terminals, all of those who are between the version 4.0.3. and Android 10. In addition, account with your own notification system for any update notice, as well as a remarkable design and customizable. On the other hand, we can create our own list of excluded in the section “Applications”.

apkupdater error

But not everything can be perfect. We lack some depth in the details of the update or the app itself, as may be the size in the internal memory. Neither shows the version number or the news that involvesfor if it’s worth it to update the app or not, not to mention that in some of them even can be updated, as the app 21buttons, giving installation error. This can be caused because it only has a link to the source of Google Play.