How to rename apps on Android

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Name of app changed

The icons of our Android show the name of the app, but you might want to change them. For example, sometimes we download a app but we are so long without using it that we forget for what it served. Also you might want to do this for a simple personal issue. Change the name of the application is possible. The name, not the title: the name appears under the icon and is the nickname by which we know an app, while the title is linked to the document AndroidManifest.xml and describes the essential information of the apps. Let’s see what we can do to change the name.

How to modify the name of apps with Nova Launcher

The process to change the name of an application is nothing complicated if you have the right tool. This tool is no other than a launcher of third parties, and in this particular case we will use Nova Launcher.

Once you have downloaded and installed, go to the application whose name you want to change in your menu of apps and performs a long press on it. You will see that a shortcut menu appears, where you have to click on Edit:

Change the name of an appChange the name of an app

A window will open in which you can change the name of the application. Put the that you have in mind and then tap Fact:

Introduction of the new nameIntroduction of the new name

Keep in mind that the change of name affects differently to an application depending on whether you do it in the box of applications or shortcuts from the home screen. If you want the name of the app change in all parties, it is best that you use this first method. Note the name of the application when the out of the box and carry it to the beginning:

Shortcut on the desktop of an app with the name edited in the boxShortcut on the desktop of an app with the name edited in the box

And what happens if we make the change of name in a shortcut of an application already present on the home screen? It is best that we see in an example. We follow the same method of long press and Edit, then confirm the change. Will be on the desktop, as you define:

Shortcut edited in the desktopShortcut edited in the desktop

However, if now we are going to look the same app the box or menu of apps, you will see that the name remains the that you had originally:

Original name of this shortcut is still present in the box of applicationsOriginal name of this shortcut is still present in the box of applications

To change the name in the box or menu of installed apps, the changes are reflected in the direct access of the start screen. However the same is not true the other way around.

As you can see, it is a very simple process that there was no difficulty. If you need to change name to any app, you already know how to do it.