The latest Telegram update is coming with a brutal novelty: power import WhatsApp, LINE and Kakaotalk chats to Telegram. In this way, going from these apps to Telegram is less traumatic, since you can take the chats with you instead.
One of the factors that makes us think twice before changing messaging app is what happens to your old chats. You can export them, although it is not the same. Telegram in version 7.4 has given a tremendous blow to the table, being able to import chats from other applications. We tell you how you can import your chats to Telegram with an Android mobile.
1. Install Telegram 7.4 Beta
Importing chats is a novelty in Telegram 7.4. This update officially arrived yesterday to the App Store, although at the time of this writing it is not yet officially available on Google Play. The normal thing would be that it does not take long to arrive, although if you cannot wait any longer, you can always download the beta version of Telegram for Android.
The good thing about it is that the beta version of Telegram works separately to the official, so you can install it, import the chats and uninstall it, without having to overwrite or change your official installation. You can download Telegram 7.4.0 Beta for Android here.

After downloading Telegram 7.4 Beta, you must install it (your mobile may ask for permission to install an APK from unknown sources) e log in with your account. If you have the stable version of Telegram installed at the same time, you will receive the verification code as a message on Telegram, instead of as an SMS.
{“file”: “”, “image”: “https: // “}
2. Export your chats
Telegram cannot take your chats from WhatsApp or other applications, but it is you who must send them using the Share menu on your mobile. Thus, to import WhatsApp chats into Telegram, you must first export your WhatsApp chats.
To do this, you must open the conversation you want to export in WhatsApp and press the menu ⋮ and then choose Plus. In the new menu that opens, tap Export chat and, when asked, indicate what you want Include files. Doing so will also include photos, videos, animated GIFs, and stickers.

According to the Telegram changelog, this same method should work for other applications such as LINE or Kakaotalk. In LINE, you can export chats in a similar way: with the menu ☰, then Other settings and finally, Export chat history, although in my tests the import has not worked in Telegram Beta.
3. Import the chat in Telegram
As soon as you finish exporting the WhatsApp chat, you are shown the Android share menu so you can choose which application you want to send it to. This is the most important step: you must choose Telegram Beta, if you have both installed or, when the stable version of Telegram reaches version 7.4, it will serve you the same if you choose “Telegram” simply.
While in the old versions of Telegram, doing this would send a TXT file and a string of photos and files as attachments, as of Telegram 7.4, the application detects that it is a chat history and asks you to which chat do you want to import the messages. Choose one from your list and the import process will begin, which takes a few seconds.

Voila, as soon as I finish processing you will have your WhatsApp chat, in Telegram, keeping format, emojis, stickers, animated GIFs, videos and photos. The result is very good, basically turning into a WhatsApp chat clone, with some (few) cases in which the attached image or sticker is not displayed.
Telegram does not check if the chat you imported is with the same person, so nothing prevents you from importing the conversation of one person into another. Imported messages will be sent, yes, to the other person, although all of them including the “imported” tag at the bottom.

Tapping on “imported” below one of these messages displays a notice stating that “This message was imported from another app. We cannot guarantee it is real “, and it is technically very easy to create a fake chat history and import it to Telegram.
The news
How to import WhatsApp chats into Telegram with an Android mobile
was originally published in
Xataka Android
Ivan Ramirez