How to create shortcuts to Google Assistant commands in Android Auto

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How to create shortcuts to Google Assistant commands in Android Auto

One of the great novelties of the expected Android Auto version 6.0 is being able to take better advantage of the Google Assistant. From now on, in addition to adding applications to the home screen, you can also add shortcuts to Google Assistant commands.

This is a quick and easy way to launch a Google Assistant command with one tap in Android Auto. Best of all, you can use any command, from sending a WhatsApp to starting the route home or any other that you can think of.

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Create a shortcut to any Wizard command

If you’re tired of repeating the same commands to Google over and over when using Android Auto, now you have an alternative: create a shortcut to Wizard actions. What this shortcut does is send the command directly to the Assistant, as if you had just said it out loud.

The command that you are going to send depends on your preferences, as it is fully customizable in a similar way to how the Routines. Shortcuts to actions are shown as one more application in the Android Auto control panel.

To create a shortcut to a Google Assistant command, you will need to do it from the mobile. First, you must enter the section Customize apps menu and then touch on Add shortcut to apps menu and finally, Wizard Action.


Next, you will see the form to create your custom command. The most important thing is the first field: Wizard command, which corresponds to what you want to “tell” to the Google Assistant. For example, “let’s go home”, “send a WhatsApp to Pepe” or “open the garage”.

Also, you can choose the icon text, which is what you will see on the icon in the Android Auto application launcher. What you can’t choose is the icon, which is made up of the first letter of the text and a Google Assistant overlay icon.

Action assistant

Before adding the shortcut to your car, you can try it to verify that it works as intended. To do this, tap on Test command and the order will be sent directly to Android Auto. If everything went well, press Create Shortcut to, now, add access.


This shortcut will be displayed either in alphabetical order or where you have located it, if you have configured the manual order. Of course, you will need restart Android Auto to display the new shortcut.

The news

How to create shortcuts to Google Assistant commands in Android Auto

was originally published in

Xataka Android

Ivan Ramirez


How to create shortcuts to Google Assistant commands in Android Auto 1

How to create shortcuts to Google Assistant commands in Android Auto 2