If you are tired of the same wallpapers for mobile always and you would like to have something unique, you have a new way of doing it. With this web, you can create a wallpaper with your favorite emojis and the exact size to use it on mobile.
Best of all, the result is highly customizable, being able to choose emojis, distribution and colors you want your dream wallpaper to have. All this, in addition, in a matter of seconds and from the browser, without installing anything.
{“file”: “https://webediaespana.video.content-hub.app/default/video/0c/1f/b2/602677523bef072ce5/default-standard-1080.mp4”, “image”: “https: // webediaespana.delivery.content-hub.app/image/2c/f9/82/602677634bd22fd223/original/top-apps-interesdamientos-y-poco-conocidas-para-android-bq.jpeg “}
Create your wallpaper in seconds
With Emoji.supplyYou can create an emoji-based wallpaper for all kinds of occasions: cover photos for social networks, virtual backgrounds for Zoom or wallpapers. In the latter case, in addition, the web detects the resolution of the mobile, generating the file with the right size for your mobile.
As soon as you open the web, you start with a first design that you can modify at will. The most important is choose the emojis, writing them in the corresponding field. You can add as many as you want.

In addition to this, you have a few additional options to control the final result, such as the distribution of the emojis, whether they are displayed in order or randomly, and the density of the emojis. You can also choose a color or gradient background, or select monochrome, which will blend the emojis into the background.
The result will depend a lot on your choices, although in most cases you will come across a colorful and somewhat crazy wallpaper. If you are satisfied with your creation, pressing Download It will be downloaded to your mobile, where you can later set it as your wallpaper.

If you are especially proud of your wallpaper, you can press Copy, what will generate a link that maintains your background settings. In this way, you can send your background to another person and have them modify and download it for the size of their mobile, such as this, this or this.
The news
How to create a mobile wallpaper with your favorite emojis
was originally published in
Xataka Android
Ivan Ramirez