How to change the 3D arrow icon

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The functionality is not entirely new, since in Google Maps for iOS has been around for a couple of years. For Android, it is not an option that is not visually easy to detect, unless by chance we find it browsing the app. Luckily, we know the route to follow to change the icon.

How to change the arrow icon in Google Maps

The arrow, by the way, can be an element that not everyone likes. Either because of the shape or because users believe that it does not fit on the map, perhaps they prefer to change the scene with another icon that indicates the routes. We have to say that it is not something that appears new in the app, since on special occasions such as events or significant days, it has been shown in a commemorative way.

google maps arrow icon

However, now we are going to have it permanently, in such a way that it is possible toggle between three car layouts instead of using the navigation arrow, and the process couldn’t be easier. For this, this is the process.

  1. We enter Google Maps and establish a route, writing the destination in the search engine and clicking on «Start navigation».
  2. Once the route is planned, the map will position us in our location, together with the typical blue arrow already characteristic.change google maps icon
  3. This time, we are going to change it. If we click on the same arrow, we a context menu will appear with all available icons. This way, all you have to do is select between the utility car, the SUV or the truck. In addition to the colors, differentiated between red, yellow and green respectively, they have different shapes and sizes.

google maps car icon

The icon that we choose will remain in all the times we enter Google Maps. If for some reason, we regret and want to return to the pointed shape of the arrow, we press the icon again and select the blue element.

Does it offer any changes to the navigation?

Absolutely not, since it is only a simple aesthetic modification. As we know, personalization has never been the strong point of Google Maps, having another service from the big G as Waze with many more options to modify to customize elements. Therefore, this function is not as important as the tracing of routes for people in wheelchairs, but it is a nice aesthetic customization detail and that highlights the constant updating that Google makes of one of its most used tools.