How to calibrate the arrow in the browser

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On certain occasions, depending on the smartphone and the version to which it is updated, there may be some modification in the position of the arrow. Normally it always points north, but it may happen that the position changes. changing the entire map orientation at the same time.

Maps - Navigation and public transport
Maps - Navigation and public transport

Fix the calibration problem

It is not that it is a specific error, but that Google has implemented an option to set the orientation of the arrow in one way or another. However, this makes flip the map all the way to the side or down, leaving it completely upside down with respect to the driver’s vision. Consequently, it misleads the driver’s orientation too much.

arrow google maps

There is no use in manually rotating the map by pinching it with your fingers, as when centered, the arrow will point again in the opposite direction. It also does not work to hit the button “Center”, so the options to solve this small problem are reduced to very few. Nor is it a reason for the compass, since if we try to calibrate it with the gesture that Google Maps proposes, it will only improve the precision of the location. All we want is for the arrow to point up.

How to calibrate the Google Maps arrow

Therefore, what is left for us to solve the orientation of the arrow? Fortunately, the browser interface offers a hidden function that we can activate (or rather deactivate) once we enter navigation. It turns out that Google Maps, for one reason or another, activates an option by itself which we have not given at any time. Call it update or call it Android version.

calibrate arrow google maps

The first thing we have to do is establish a route to a specific destination. Once we entered the navigation mode, the entire interface appears to follow the route. At the bottom, a tab is shown with the time remaining to reach that destination. Yes we drag up the tab, we have the “Settings” section well visible.

calibrate arrow google maps settings

If we press and slide down, we will see an option called “Keep the map with north up”. It will probably be activated, since this causes the map to always be displayed with the same orientation, regardless of our position. We deactivate it and the arrow will be shown upwards, as we have always seen it.