How to add a payment method for your purchases on Facebook

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A while ago Facebook introduced its own store in Spain, called Marketplace. Thanks to this store, users of the social network will be able to make purchases without leaving the social network, with products that other people in their area sell, although you can search for products anywhere. To pay for these purchases, you need to add a payment method to your account.

Last year came the social network’s own payment system, called Facebook Pay. If you want to make purchases on the social network or be able to make donations, something very common also on the social network, you will have to add a payment method in the social network system. We show you how it can be done.

Add a payment method on Facebook

Facebook add payment method

Facebook Pay is the payment system to be used in the social network, although this system has to be associated with a specific payment method. The social network gives us the possibility to associate our PayPal account or we can also add a credit or debit card. By already having an associated payment method, when making a purchase or a donation, the process will be faster, since we will not have to enter payment information, simply click on the button to carry out the transaction.

To add a payment method to our account, the steps we have to follow are:

  1. Open the social network app on your phone.
  2. Click on the top three horizontal stripes.
  3. Go to Settings and privacy.
  4. Go into Settings.
  5. Go to the section called Facebook Pay.
  6. Click on the method you want to use (PayPal or card).
  7. Enter the card details.
  8. If you have chosen PayPal, link the account.

With these steps you will already have a payment method that you will be able to use on the social network. If you make a donation to any of the many causes that are underway, or if you want to make purchases in the Marketplace integrated into the social network, you can do so easily. The process is simpler, since you will only have to click on the Buy button to confirm the purchase.

How to add a payment method for your purchases on Facebook 1

The entry How to add a payment method for your purchases on Facebook appears first in The Free Android.