How much does the iphone 5 cost? Here are the prices!

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Pending the launch on the Italian market, the (almost) certain prices of Apple’s new smartphone have been revealed

Fever For the new Apple smartphone it is very high but, waiting for September 28, the day it will be on sale in Italy, perhaps it will be lowered by what was unveiled today, and it is certainly not a detail: the price.

How it reveals the place, the top of the 64 GB range will cost 945 euros, the 32 GB model 835 euros, while the 16 GB model “only” 725 euros (margin of error of a few euros, says the author of the article).

Of courseYou can always trust the offers of the telephone operators, who are beginning to reveal their rate plans designed specifically for the iPhone 5, but whoever wants to be the exclusive owner of this jewel will have to open their wallet (and prepare the credit card).