How do you know if Windows 10 is running 32 or 64 bits?

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It may be important to know which version, either 32 Bits or 64 Bits, is running your version of Windows 10. Once this information is known, you will know which applications and software may run on your system. In this guide, we will see together how to find this information.

windows 10 tutorial
Credit: Microsoft

To know which applications and which software can run on your system under Windows 10, it is essential to know the version on which your OS is running, namely 32 Bits or 64 Bits. Indeed, application and software developers regularly offer their products in 32-bit or 64-bit version.

In fact, knowing the version under which your OS is running allows you to quickly choose the right version and save precious time. After seeing together how to take screenshots on Windows 10 or how to extract an image from a PDF file on Windows, we will see in this guide how to know this crucial information.

How to know if Windows 10 is 32 or 64 Bits

How then to know the version under which your version of Windows 10 works? You just need to follow the steps below.

  • First, right-click on the Windows logo located at the bottom left of the taskbar and select the tab System
windows 10 version tutorial
Credits: Capture Phonandroid
  • With that done, you are now in the About section. Look now in the game Device specifications, then direction the line System Type
  • Here, you will be able to see directly under which version your version of Windows 10 is running, in this case either 64-bit operating system, x64 processor or 32-bit operating system, x32 processor
windows 10 version tutorial
Credits: Capture Phonandroid

There you have it, in just a few clicks, you now know which version your Windows 10 is running under. If you are in 32 Bits, we cannot recommend you enough to switch to 64 Bits, the performances offered being clearly superior to a 32-bit OS, in particular thanks to the possibility of managing more than 4 GB of RAM. Note that the process remains the same under Windows 8.1, while on Windows 7, you will have to follow the following steps:

  • Click on the button To start up then right click on Computer and select Properties
  • Under the tab System, consult the type of system

As Microsoft points out, “upgrading from the 32-bit version to the 64-bit version of Windows requires reformatting your hard drive, installing the 64-bit version of Windows, then reinstalling all the other elements on your device ”.