Google will introduce application hibernation in Android 12

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Android users in Spain know that they can make the applications on their mobile stop working in the background, or add exceptions so that this does not happen. Google seeks to work on new functions to determine the status of applications, like application hibernation, which has already been seen in the AOSP source code.

This new feature could be made official with the launch of Android 12. In fact, it could be shown in some of its first preview versions for developers, which would arrive in about a month of time. Google would thus integrate the hibernation of apps into the operating system.

Google brings app hibernation to Android

Google hibernate Android apps

Android applications go through various states: started, paused, resumed or stopped … Google would introduce a new state for applications, which would be hibernation. This new feature has been seen in AOSP code, so it would be official in a future version of the operating system, possibly Android 12.

The idea of ​​hibernation is close and keep closed those applications that are not being used, to prevent them from consuming resources. This function would go a step beyond the current options that the operating system has, such as energy saving, which prevents applications from running in the background, for example. Although at the moment it is unknown how this application hibernation would work.

The AOSP code briefly explains what such hibernation consists of, saying that those applications that are not being used will be able to hibernate, so that can be optimized for storage. It’s not quite clear what Google means by “optimize for storage,” but surely more will soon be known about it.

We will have to wait a while to see this hibernation of applications on Android, which could arrive this year with the launch of Android 12. We may soon know more about this function in which Google is already working.

The entry Google will introduce application hibernation in Android 12 appears first in The Free Android.