Google Maps will allow you to pay for public transport and parking meters from the app, first in the United States

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Google Maps will allow you to pay for public transport and parking meters from the app, first in the United States

Google has just announced an important news: the possibility of being able to pay for parking through Google maps. It does so thanks to the integration of Passport and Parkmobile within the Maps app itself, movement restricted, for the moment, to the United States.

However, the move is important, as it represents a big step for Maps to allow payments in public services. The thing is not only in parking meters: Google also wants us to be able to pay for public transport from their app, thanks to the integration with Google Pay.

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Paying with Google Maps

Google is starting to implement a new button on Google Maps. When we are in a public parking lot we will see the option to pay directly from the app. This is achieved with the integration of Passport and Parkmobile, this function being restricted for the United States, for now.

pay for parking

From the google blog indicate that the function has been implemented largely to make users do not have to touch public surfaces, to maximize safety against COVID. Once we click on the pay button, we will have to enter the parking meter number, the amount of time that we are going to spend parked and pay. If we need to add more time, we can also do it from the app.

pay for transit
Along with this novelty, Google reports that is trying to make it possible to pay public transport fares around the world, that is to say, that we can plan the trip directly from Maps, paying the bus, subway and other tickets from your application.

At the moment the movement is centered in the United States, but google’s plan is global, so we hope that, sooner rather than later, we will see these options to be able to pay for public transport and parking services from the phone.

More information | Google

The news

Google Maps will allow you to pay for public transport and parking meters from the app, first in the United States

was originally published in

Xataka Android

Ricardo Aguilar


Google Maps will allow you to pay for public transport and parking meters from the app, first in the United States 1

Google Maps will allow you to pay for public transport and parking meters from the app, first in the United States 2