Google Keep is updated and makes it easy to set reminders

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Google Keep is updated and makes it easy to set reminders 1

Google Keep is an application that many users Android in Spain use. It is an application that has been improving, both in Android and its version for computer. The application has been updated again and leaves us with an important novelty related to reminders, to facilitate its use.

The reminder window in Google Keep is renewed in this new version of the Android application. The idea of ​​this redesign is to make it easier to schedule a reminder in it, because it will require fewer steps than were necessary until now.

Google Keep improves reminders

Google Keep new reminders

This improvement is introduced in version v5.20.511.03 of Google Keep, which is starting to be launched among Android users. Until now, when we wanted to create a reminder, the app asked us to select the day, time and / or location manually, which involved a lot of steps. Tips are now entered, plus two locations: home and work.

When we want to create a reminder in the app we will have to do fewer steps, by being able to select the location in question, which is usually home or work. Further, we are given suggestions with hoursSo if any of those suggestions fit what we need, the process of creating a reminder becomes much shorter.

The process is faster, as long as we have our addresses registered with Google Keep. This is what will allow the app to directly create those home and work locations, which we can select directly when creating the reminder in it.

The update appears to be rolling out from the server side, so having the application updated to its latest version does not automatically mean that you can use these new reminders. The rollout has already started, so you shouldn’t have to wait long to enjoy this feature.

The Google Keep entry is updated and makes it easier to schedule reminders appears first in The Free Android.