Google 3D Animals on Halloween with skeletons and much more

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Not only does it introduce animals set in this terrifying event, but it also adds very characteristic Halloween objects that will sound familiar to us at first.


3D animals for Halloween

Google has added a black cat and two other pets charming women in costumes, as well as other pillars of October 31 as a human skeleton. Google is kicking off the Halloween celebrations with a trio of animals and other 3D elements. These trick-or-treating creatures are distinguished by their costumes:

  • Magic black cat
  • Pirate dog
  • Hot dog

In addition, we have other elements such as a human skeleton, a ghost or even a Halloween pumpkin. Google you invites to say “boo!” for them, with the three of them accompanied by a soundtrack once we selected one of them. Once we reproduce one of these elements in 3D, we have a tab at the bottom to reproduce the rest of the animals quickly, without having to do a new search.

3d animals halloween google

Google’s Halloween 3D objects and animals are available on the most Android devices. You just have to look for them in the app and find the animation card. If our smartphone is not capable of putting animals in 3D, but it does have good hardware, we can try to install these services externally, through an APK. To prove that it does not remain, the worst that can happen is that it does not work properly, there is no type of risk for our smartphone.

Google Play services for AR
Google Play services for AR

How to activate animals in 3D

Once we have everything ready, we just need to put that augmented reality to the test. First, we go to the Google application -or Google Chrome-, and we type in the search engine the animal we want. As an example, we can choose a penguin or the elements for Halloween. When looking for it, an explanation of said animal appears as the first result, an image and a little further down, an option called «View in 3D».

put penguin 3d google

If we click there, we must accept the storage permissions, and then click on «See in your space». Automatically, it will take us to the camera interface, with the environment that we are focusing on at that moment and with the penguin present. Furthermore, it is an element which we can modify its size in the image, so that it looks good in a most peculiar photo.