download APK from apps without Google Play

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In fact, it has been placed as one of the main alternatives if we do not want to opt for the Play Store, or if an app or game cannot be found in the official Google store.

What is APKMirror?

First of all, it is a repository of applications and games that has several advantages that allow it to be one of the largest platforms on the internet. Also, over the years, developers have managed to implement it on Android, which makes it much easier to use on smartphones. In addition, it has a very noticeable component with everything related to security in app download.

apkmirror updates

This occurs because all the programs available on the platform are under the signature of the developers, therefore there is no no app that has been plagiarized or modified. On the other hand, the updates arrive more frequently and numerous than in the Play Store, since the figure of Google is not blocking the updates. If it is impossible to verify or verify the signature of a developer, said application will not be published in the store, thus avoiding downloading malware or fake apps.

The store has a huge selection of applications available, so we can find what we are looking for. In addition, independent developers are heavily supported, with Applications open source, since utility is awarded more than the name of the developer.

How to install APKMirror and what you should keep in mind

Despite its improvement in Android integration, it still does not have an adapted official app. It has its own mobile website, which works as if it were an application, where we can search for the applications or games that we want to download, although in APK format that prevents it from being installed automatically. Therefore, we must manually install the app. It also has a port that is not official but it works in the same way as the web version, with its own settings section.

And how should it be done? Well, in a very simple way, whatever the route. The steps to follow are:

  1. Enter APKMirror from browser of your mobile or from the unofficial app, which does not have any danger for our terminal.apkmirror apps
  2. Find the application you want to download, using the search engine on the web or in the app.
  3. Choose the version you want to have from the app (they are usually organized from most recent to oldest).
  4. Tap on to download within this version.apkmirror versions
  5. Wait for the APK files of the application.
  6. Open / Run said APK.
  7. Activate the option “Files from Unknown Sources”.
  8. Wait till I know complete the installation.
  9. Open the app once the process is complete.

APK Mirror Installer, available on the Play Store

It is curious that despite operating outside the Play Store, APKMirror has an official application that is housed within the Google store. It is an installer, so it should not be confused with a repository. Is called APKInstaller, and it is an app that is still in early access, so it is awaiting further improvements.

apkmirror installer apks

This installer takes care of detect APK files to install them in the terminal automatically. It scans all the files with that extension in the storage and in the “Browse Files” option we will find all the available ones to install. It even shows details like the files version or the name of it.

APKMirror Installer (Official)
APKMirror Installer (Official)