Chrome for Android already knows when your passwords have been leaked and will notify you

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The security of our passwords is one of the greatest dangers for our information, both in Spain and in the rest of the world. Although the systems are increasingly sophisticated, the bad habit that many people have of using the same password for each site can have a fatal effect, and that is that it is enough that the security of your account is compromised on one page, so that any attacker can access all your sites. The latest version of Chrome for Android helps to fix this problem.

One of the most useful tools to know if the security of our account has been compromised is the I have been pwned website, which allows us to know at a glance the status of our account. However, visiting pages like this is usually a process that we forget to review more often than we would like.

Chrome for Android already warns you when your password is leaked

Chrome for Android already knows when your passwords have been leaked and will notify you 1

As it came to the PC version a few months ago, Google has added one of the most important security features that was not yet available on mobile devices. The function we are talking about is a secure form for web pages.

Imagine that you enter a web page, enter your username and password. You don’t know it, but the page you entered has suffered a data leak. Well, from now on, in these situations the browser itself will carry out the investigation on its own when we log in, and in the event that your account has the possibility of being compromised, it will notify us that it is possible that our account is no longer secure. .

The next steps we should already know, which are to change the password on said websiteand in all the websites that you have used the same combinationusername and password. Because you still think that the account of that website is not very important, but that thanks to the fact that you use the same account for everything, they manage to enter your Facebook, Instagram, or Google account.

Google has announced that they are beginning the rollout from today, so it is a matter of hours before your browser is updated with the new functions.

The Chrome entry for Android already knows when your passwords have been filtered and will warn you that it appears first in The Free Android.