Apps for weight loss and lose weight with diets, health and nutrition

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With restrictions and social distancing present, the protagonists of the summer will continue to be the pool and the beach. Therefore, it is necessary to cover that tummy that both annoyed us to show off a hot body while taking the sun. Are apps that come in handy for anyone, but with special attention to those who want to lose weight.

Calorie counter

Nothing more open your interface shows us a questionnaire to get to know physical details like weight or height. We also ask about other issues not-so-physical, such as eating habits and the objectives that we have in mind to improve our health. In terms of diet, has programs that are tailored to the needs and tastes of food of each user. Does not have to suffer to eat well.

apps to lose weight myfitnesspal

Calorie counter
Calorie counter

ManzanaRoja, custom diets

Further strengthens the concept of a personalized diet, depending on the physical condition and also routine of the person. Keep in mind if you study, you work, if you live alone or how many days away from home. The programs are designed by specialists in nutrition, so the diet plans have all of the truth of the world.

ManzanaRoja: your personalized diet
ManzanaRoja: your personalized diet

Lifesum, change food

In addition to adopting healthy eating habits, with tips and diets suitable to our goal, with a calculator of calories. In this way, we can find out the calorie content of each food we eat or we want to buy at the grocery store, just filling a series of data about their ingredients or composition.

apps to lose weight lifesum

Lifesum: Recipes to lose weight and gain health
Lifesum: Recipes to lose weight and gain health

Noom: Health & Weight

One of the apps for weight loss most daring of this list. It proposes an ambitious challenge to lose almost 10 kilos in just 16 weekstaking into account that everything is done from home. To achieve this goal, the program has a full-blown follow-up to comply with the meals planned, and a series of reminders to move and exercise, that is certainly another important part of the equation to lose weight.

Noom: Health & Weight
Noom: Health & Weight

Trainer to lose weight in 30 days

Another way to generate an effective weight loss and healthy, is the planning challenges or challenges a month. This allows you to set a short term goal, instead of going by accessing the change in diet gradually. Yes, must have a force of will huge, so this app helps us with a strict but personalized nutrition program for lose weight in only 30 days.

apps weight loss coach 30 days

Trainer to lose weight - Perdre du Poids in 30 Jours
Trainer to lose weight - Perdre du Poids in 30 Jours

Wizard Diet

As the name says, a wizard that has the goal of routine follow-up of the power of each user. To do this, it offers daily challenges, has its own system of alerts about what we have to eat and even encouraged to make photographs to check the changes in a visual way, one of the most used tools to motivate people who want to lose weight.

assistant diet

Assistant of Diet - Motivation to lose weight
Assistant of Diet - Motivation to lose weight

Nootric, food habits healthy

Offers an interesting service as guides on eating habits or recipes for the creation of our own diet, in addition to a program with weekly menus, so that we can change the food and so not getting tired. In addition, it includes a chat support for contact with a nutritionist to make consultations or solve doubts.


Nootric - diets for weight loss and nutrition
Nootric - diets for weight loss and nutrition

Diet and weight loss, nutritionist virtual

This app proves that losing weight does not have to equal suffering and spend a hell. It can achieve the objectives for very complex it may be, always and when it is carried out a method of teaching and learning. In this way, we have an avatar that will be watching our habits closely and with which you can interact with, conversing with, or to ask questions about nutrition.

Diet and weight loss
Diet and weight loss

Diets for weight loss

Offers a simpler interface while sober. It focuses on providing a diet for our plan, along with nutritional information on everything we give to it. Perhaps the catalogue is rather limited, since there are available 30 diets free, and the rest of the payment. And if we want to go to the supermarket, we can serve as a shopping list, but in version healthy.

diets to lose weight

Diets for weight loss
Diets for weight loss

Intermittent Fasting

Another alternative method for weight loss and is in constant boom, it is the intermittent fasting. Are you try to skip any meal of the day for create a caloric deficit that allows to consume the fat in body more quickly. In this way, we will be rotating the food on a daily basis in a way that is not always the same that we avoid eating. It is not a miracle diet, is tested by nutritionists in a formal way, although it is not suitable for any physical condition.
intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting - a Follower of the Fast Zero-Cal
Intermittent fasting - a Follower of the Fast Zero-Cal