Android Fast Pair makes it easy to pair your headphones with its new interface

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Android Fast Pair makes it easy to pair your headphones with its new interface 1

Android Fast Pair is a protocol known to users in Spain. This protocol hit the market at the end of 2017 and its purpose was that users could pair their Bluetooth headphones in a faster and easier way with their phones. Throughout this year there have been several improvements in this protocol, which help it to function better.

Until now there had been no changes to its interface, but Google finally revamps the Android Fast Pair interface before the year is out. This interface change is designed to make the pairing process even simpler and faster for Android users.

This is the new Android Fast Pair interface

Fast Pair new interface

Google now leaves us with a new type of notification when using Android Fast Pair. Until now, a normal notification was displayed on the phone, to then pair the Bluetooth headphones. The new interface now leaves us with a large notification, which is displayed at the bottom of the phone screen.

In this notification we find a photo and name of the headset that we are pairing with the phone, as well as a lower button where we have the option “Connect”. Thanks to this new design, the notification is much clearer and more visible for Android users, so that they can proceed at any time to connect their Bluetooth headset with the phone more quickly.

When the headset has been paired with the phone, data such as the battery level of the headphones or from the case will be displayed in the normal top notification on the screen. So the change introduced in Android Fast Pair has not been radical, although it seems that Google has been inspired by iOS in this new interface that they use now. The new design it is already being deployed among users on Android. If you have a compatible mobile, surely you can already see this new design when you pair a Bluetooth headset to your phone.

The Android Fast Pair entry makes it easy to pair your headphones with its new interface appears first in The Free Android.