Android 11, you can revoke the permissions automatically of the apps unless you use

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Android 11, you can revoke the permissions automatically of the apps unless you use

Traditionally, the Android permissions granted during the installation of the applications and for the whole life. With Marshmallow arrived permissions at run time and Android 11 brings a little beyond the idea that the permissions are not forever. What is more, it is possible to set it up so that the permits expire.

The third Developer Preview of Android 11 includes an option to deny automatically the permissions of an application when it has passed some time since I used it for the last time.

Permissions with expiration date

The third Developer Preview of Android 11 lets us see where it is heading the future of Android in security and permissions is concerned. Will increase the control of users about the permissions of the applications, until such point that can be configured for permissions to be turned off automatically.

The option in particular is called Revoke permissions automatically and is not active by default, at least in the Developer Preview. To configure them you have to go to the information of the application, in the section Permissions.


As indicated in the window, this option turns off the permissions of an app after that you haven’t used it since a few months ago. Google do not specify exactly how much time is given of grace to the applications or if you will get a notice that you have turned off the permissions of an application for this reason.

The goal is clear. Avoid apps that you installed once and it is forgotten use resources from your mobile or be able to obtain information on your usage of your mobile, when even the use frequency. It is, in its own way, a way that is similar to the optimizations of battery of some brands, which avoids the auto-start certain applications according to their usage.

Via | Android Police

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Android 11, you can revoke the permissions automatically of the apps unless you use

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Xataka Android

Ivan Ramirez


Android 11, you can revoke the permissions automatically of the apps unless you use 1

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