Alexa is updated and can now function as an alarm in your home

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Amazon Echo Vodafone

Amazon is putting a lot of effort into Alexa, its personal assistant. Together with Google, this company is the one that brings home automation to more users in countries like Spain, especially because of its prices and the visibility that the online store gives it.

Now the mobile app has been updated in America, gaining some really cool features.

The Amazon Echo with Alexa will be security alarms

Alexa is updated and can now function as an alarm in your home

The main novelty is the possibility to convert a speaker into a intruder detector. This would be done by contracting a service called Guard Plus that allows, for $ 4.99, per month, to notify the police or obtain alerts if certain noises are heard at home.

Along with this function, the Hunches (Suspicions), which is an action automation system. In this way, as we see in the video, Alexa will learn from our habits and will know when to perform certain actions.

Watch video

This path is what these assistants must follow, becoming more and more invisible and making the objects in our house respond to our needs even without us having to give them voice commands.

Alexa is updated and can now function as an alarm in your home

Another very interesting function is the consumer panel. The Alexa app will be able to tell us how much energy our devices use, such as televisions, thermostats, etc. The list of compatible products has been published by Amazon itself.

At the moment these functions are being launched in the United States, but we hope they will reach the rest of the markets soon. At least those that depend on the application and not the subscription service, although it would be a very interesting and competitive product in Spain.

The Alexa input is updated and can now function as an alarm in your house appears first in The Free Android.