Plex launches app for listening to music on your mobile phone, Plexamp

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Plex launches app for listening to music on your mobile phone, Plexamp 1

Before the music is heard almost exclusively in streaming were very popular applications of music playback for Android phones. That stage has already passed but even now we see the birth of applications to play our music. The latest comes from the hand of Plex and it’s called Plexamp.

This app has been a long time in alpha stage and is now bequeathed to the Google Play Store, although in the form of beta. In spite of that, we can install it without problem.

Yes, it is necessary to have a server Plex and a pass of this service, which is designed for those who are already customers sel video service. The idea is to use our server for Plex to store our music and be able to listen to streaming where you want to. However, we will be able to download it if we don’t have connection to the Internet.

We have been reminded of a lot to the role most valued in Google Play Music, and soon to come to Youtube Music.


Plex launches app for listening to music on your mobile phone, Plexamp 2

One of the most striking elements of this application is the design. The background appears blurred on almost all the time and used the images of the albums and songs to be redrawn.

Plex launches app for listening to music on your mobile phone, Plexamp

In addition, we will not lose sight of the control of the playback on any of the screens, appearing always in full screen or in a small item at the bottom.

By eliminating the silences

Plex launches app for listening to music on your mobile phone, Plexamp

Another of the peculiarities of this application is that it is able to remove the silences between the breaks of songs, blending the end of one with the beginning of another as if it were a DJ.

You can download it from the Google store but remember it is a beta version so that you could have some problems in the use of the same.

Plex launches app for listening to music on your mobile phone, Plexamp 3


The entry Plex launches app for listening to music on your mobile phone, Plexamp appears first in Android Free.