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Zoom not only triumphs in the video calls work or with friends, it is also the favorite application of the political

The measures that force the social distancing and the confinement in many countries of the world because of the health crisis caused by the coronavirus is driving so most tools for video conferencing of all kinds.

Among them, the utility that most owners, attention, downloads, and uses are recording is Zoom. An application in a matter of days it has become essential in companies, groups of friends and also in the political world.

In a matter of days, Zoom has become a tool of common use on the part of company, groups of friends, and even governments

It is enough to cast an eye, as in the case of Microsoft Teams, the latest estimated figures of monthly active users. In February, weeks before measures were taken to depth in a generalized way, the analysts of Bernstein estimated that Zoom had 12,92 million monthly active users.

That means that in January and February was at 2.22 million new users, a fact that contrasts with the 1.99 million totaled in around 2019. Also, in a recent interview, the head of the Zoom Eric Yuan, ensured in a single day the application it was downloaded 343.000 times all over the worldin comparison with the nearly 90,000 times as of two months ago.

From presidents to leaders of the opposition

Photograph of the first videoconference meeting of the Government of the United Kingdom.

A image published during the last few hours by the british prime minister, Boris Johnson, called the attention of more than one. The first videoconference meeting of the history of the Government of the United Kingdom was taking place via Zoom and from a computer with Windows 10.

On the screen, located in a large room in front of a table on which sat the representative of the british, and part of your team, could be seen on a desktop of the operating system of the Microsoft window’s implementation of video calling.

The first videoconference meeting of the history of the Government of the United Kingdom has been carried out by using Zoom

The use of Zoom on the part of the british administration, it is no isolated case. The communications application favorite half of the Fortune 500 companiesaccording to data from the beginning of last year, has also been used by the political class in other countries of the world during these last days.

Press conference of telematics through Zoom Paul Casado, president of the Popular Party.

In Spain, opposition parties like the Partido Popular and Citizens have used Zoom during the last few days, both for video conferences internal and to be able to receive questions from the journalists telematically, directly and without filters.

Spanish political parties as Parties are Popular and Citizens have used Zoom to give press conferences and allow the realization of questions by the journalists live

The first training took place last Monday, the press conference of its president, Paul Married, gathering at the same time all of the journalists following the news of the party. Inés Arrimadasleader of Citizens, did the same connecting on time with several journalists.

Inés Arrimadas, leader of Citizens, listening to the question of a journalist through Zoom.

In other parts of the world, examples of use of Zoom at the political level continue to. In the Dominican Republicfor example, the press conferences from the presidential palace and government are held since last week through Zoom. Panama it is another of those countries whose government has decided to use Zoom to make the wheels of the press and government to facilitate the work of journalists. Also the mayor of the capital of Ecuador, Quito, chose

this tool to report on the coronavirus and answer questions from the press.

Not quite a year Zoom, the company that owns the app of the same name and one of the last unicorns of Silicon Valley, began trading with great success being valued in the present by 15,900 million dollars.

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The news

Zoom not only triumphs in the video calls work or with friends, it is also the favorite application of the political

it was originally published in


Toni Castillo


Me Time Tech

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