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YouTube Music for Android lets you see the lyrics of the songs

Following in the footsteps of Spotifythe music streaming service YouTube Music it also allows us to view the lyrics of the songs that we are listening to does not have that rely on third-party applications.

After several weeks of testing, from today all users of YouTube Musicboth free accounts as your subscribers, can access this new feature that is hidden.

Lyrics YouTube Music

To view the lyrics of the song that we are listening, we have that click on the information icon that appears in the left part of the title of the song in the view of the player. There after show access to see the tabs for the artist or artists of the song and the album, we’ll see down the letter of the song.

The service offers the letters to YouTube Music it is LyricFind and as is often the case with other services, you do not have the lyrics of all the songs, especially of songs by Spanish artists. We hope that Google will add more letters soon in order to not have to continue using other applications or your own browser in order to see the lyrics of a song.

Next interface

So it seems that we will see soon is a new interface in the player YouTube Music with a new sliding panel at the bottom that will allow us to see the playlist and the lyrics of the song in an easier way.

YouTube Music

Via | Android Police

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YouTube Music for Android lets you see the lyrics of the songs

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Xataka Android



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