Most mobiles sold in Spain have layers of personalization, either from Xiaomi, Oppo, realme, Huawei or Samsung. The latter has stood out since the launch of One UI, with an extremely well-kept design and, not only a great set of functions built into the system, but also in applications that update after update continue to improve.
Although you should not wait for the stable launch of One UI 3.0, based on Android 11, until December at the earliest, as the official open beta has already begun, the new One UI 3.0 applications can now be installed on Samsung mobiles with the previous version of the customization layer.
How could it be anywhere else, XDA Developers have created aport of the new applications that will come standard on phones with One UI 3.0 on Samsung phones that are updated or come with this version pre-installed. These applications seem to be that they will not need the latest version of Android to work, and that any Samsung with One UI 2.0, 2.1 or 2.5 customization layer.
Installing these applications is not as simple a process as it might seem, and it is not as simple as taking the APKs and installing them manually as they are system applications. In order to install them, it is necessary to unlock thebootloader Yflashthe required application package. In this way, when you restart the mobile you will already have the apps installed.
If this whole process sounds like Chinese to you, we already anticipate that you should not even consider it, since the unofficial modifications that you make start at your own risk. If, on the other hand, you feel up to it, keep in mind that unlocking the bootloader on your Samsung deactivates KNOX, an irreversible process that will permanently leave you without access to Samsung Pay. And all to test some apps that are being tested and that will soon arrive on your mobile.
Still, it is your mobile and you can do whatever you want with it, so if you are aware of the risks and consequences and they seem reasonable to you, you can download the files and learn about the installation process in the AlexisXDA thread in the forum. XDA Developers.
The entry You can now install One UI 3.0 apps on your Samsung, but should you? He appears first in The Free Android.
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