The World Digital Library it is nothing new. Its history dates back more than two decades ago, when, in 2009, the Library of Congress of the united States and UNESCO joined to be thought of as the great universal library in which to find in multiple languages and free of charge significant primary materials from cultures from all over the planet.
At the current time, the World Digital Library accumulated close to 20,000 items about 193 countries between 8,000 to. C. and the year 2000.
A huge fund whose objective is to promote international and intercultural understanding; extend the amount and variety of cultural content on the internet; provide resources for educators, scholars and the general public; and allow the partner institutions to reduce the digital divide within and between countries. In short, join a little more of the world and to build bridges.
Much more than a digital library

Far from confining themselves to documents and texts, this immense library is an inexhaustible source of wisdom. It houses books, manuscripts, and periodicals of all kinds, yes, but also sound recordings, films, photographs, images and even interactive maps on a good number of topics.
The best way to start to discover everything that can offer us the World Digital Library is using the finder or by going to the menu and clicking on Explore. In the drop down we can choose to start to browse through the funds in function of places, periods, themes, article types, or institution. Because even though the leaders of the library are Library of Congress of the united States and UNESCO, with them, a collaboration of more than hundred and a half of libraries and other institutions around the world.
Given that this project premium quality over quantity, it is not surprising that the pages of each article, text, book, manuscript, photograph or map has a large amount of information with metadata, descriptions, details, and related content. All this information has been prepared by experts in the field with the aim to provide context and to find a way to close the funds.
Of course, much of this material can be downloaded.
The news
World Digital library: a large and unknown library with the history of (almost) all over the world
it was originally published in
Toni Castillo