Last January, a great controversy arose at the hands of WhatsApp. Service announced changes to your privacy policy, showing a new notification that advanced said update in the conditions of use. In Europe, for the GDPR data protection regulations, these changes will not affect us for the moment, since this regulation prevents WhatsApp from sharing more user data with Facebook.
However, the company will update the conditions of use as previously advised though, after postponing its conditions to clarify the ‘misinformation’ about it, dated March 15 and explaining from the application itself the changes they want to make.
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More notices on WhatsApp about the privacy policy
Such was the stir caused by the privacy policy of WhatsApp that applications like Signal and Telegram had several download peaks, when looking for alternative users in response to these changes. WhatsApp postponed the update of these new privacy policies, although they will try again on March 15, the date scheduled for updating the app with the new terms of use.
In the coming weeks, we will display a banner on WhatsApp with more information that people can read at their own pace. We have also included more information to try to respond to the concerns we are hearing. Finally, we will begin to remind people to review and accept these updates to continue using WhatsApp.
The new WhatsApp plan is clear doubts from the application itself, trying to explain more visually what are the changes to come. It will via a banner at the top of the conversation list, what will lead to the service website. This new policy comes to make messages in which the user interacts with company chats share more data, a movement that makes sense for Facebook, since it wants to implement in WhatsApp direct user sales and payments to companies.
WhatsApp introduced a large banner when opening the app to explain these changes, something that caused the aforementioned controversy and the migration of some users to alternatives. WhatsApp will go ahead with its plan on March 15, with new explanations within the app. As we have anticipated, the changes do not affect European users.
‘There are no changes to WhatsApp data sharing practices in the European region (including the UK) arising from the updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. To clarify any doubts, it remains true that WhatsApp does not share user data from the European region with Facebook in order for Facebook to use this data to improve its products or advertisements. ‘ Whatsapp
The news
WhatsApp will change its privacy policy on March 15 and will display a banner in chats to explain it
was originally published in
Xataka Android
Ricardo Aguilar