WhatsApp begins to warn you of contacts that bloqueaste

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Blocking users is one of the most essential of any application of messaging is the ability to block other users. Either because it’s an unknown, spam or someone who does not want to continue talking to you, it is a function that we can not stop long. And WhatsApp cannot neglect this function.

However, the feature exists doesn’t mean it’s perfect, because it is very easy to forget if someone bloqueaste a long time ago is or not locked. Imagine, someone with whom you had a discussion, and that with the passing of the months we have relaxed the tensions. You want to talk with him and forgot that you had locked.

WhatsApp begins to deploy a new function

As has alerted WABetaInfo, WhatsApp has begun to deploy a simple function to all the world. This tool allows us to know when we’ve locked or unlocked by a user with a little alert message in the chat.

WhatsApp begins to warn you of contacts that bloqueaste 1

The message lock is interactive, inviting us to unlock the person in question to the press there. With respect to the privacy of this message, the application only shows you the messages lock and unlock it, and never to the person you’ve blocked.

The function is beginning to be deployed around the world from the server side, so that in a start you should not do anything to receive the new feature, although it is recommended that you have the application fully up-to-date.

In case you have a rush to have the latest products, the recommendation is to download the APK directly from the official website of WhatsApp. In these moments, the current version is the 2.20.99, which includes improvements of the past few days as the search button on Google that have been created to facilitate the work of debunked hoaxes.

APK of WhatsApp from the official website.

The entry WhatsApp begins to warn you of contacts that bloqueaste appears first in Android Free.