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Voice chats on Telegram channels: this is how they work

Since its emergence in 2013, Telegram It has become an alternative series to WhatsApp. Although in volume of users it is still far behind, an increasing number of people defend that it is one more application safe Y complete than its great competitor. And, as if that were not enough, after its last update, Telegram now has the voice chats on your channels, a new communicative element that has amazed the staff and about which we are going to show you everything.

First were the group voice chats in December 2020. After its beta version, this important innovation is officially here to stay. A strong bet that seems to be paying off. And it is that, since its birth, Telegram has been making itself hollow in a more than deserved way.

Over the years, the company has shaped the definition of what a group chat should be. So much so, that its great rival and for now the industry leader in users (WhatsApp), has copied many of its functionalities and tools.

Shortly after, in March 2021, Telegram took another step with what they called voice chats 2.0. With this update, voice chats became available in the channels and, in addition, it eliminated the limit of participants. Also, enriched participant lists, mechanics to raise the hand, personalized links for speakers and listeners, and titles for voice chat, were just as many of the new features that the application brought with it in the March update.

What is a Telegram channel and how to create it?

As we have said, in this article we will detail the use and everything related to voice chats in Telegram channels. But before entering the matter and, for those who are starting in this social network, we are going to quickly review how to create a channel, which will lead us later to delve into voice chats.

The channels have the function of broadcasting messages to a huge number of people with no limit on the number. To get an idea, if we transfer this concept to another social network that we control more, it could be similar to Facebook groups. If we are part of a Telegram channel, we will have access to a lot of global information on the topics that interest us. Likewise, this tool is ‘led’ by an administrator who makes the publications and manages any aspect of the channel.

The main difference with a group is that the channel is created to disseminate information, but the other members cannot interact. For many users, this fact is an advantage if we want to get to the point, since it does not produce the typical gibberish that we are used to in this type of “chicken coop” group. They can be both public What private.

The procedure is very easy, both from the phone and from the desktop. From the mobile application, we just have to click on the writing icon to start a conversation, located at the bottom right of the screen.

From the options that are open to us, we select New channel. Next, we choose the name of it, as well as a description and a photograph. After giving the check in the top right, it is time to choose if we want our channel to be public and private.

If it is public, we must include a permanent link, which will allow other people to find our channel. By last, we choose the participants and ready.

Voice chats on Telegram channels

With our channel already created, it is time to give way to the new functionality, that of the voice chats. It could be that these 2.0 voice chats are like a reinvented public radio that can reach millions of people.

To start, when you are within the Telegram application, enter the channel of which you are a manager or administrator. The function can also be activated in groups. Get into the channel profile by pressing the three points of the configuration (…) and hit start voice chat. Remember that at this time you must activate the permissions for Telegram to have access to your files. Now the microphone will appear, press it and the voice chat will begin. The moment you want to finish, activate the red telephone on the right that offers the option Leave. You can leave if you wish or, also, end voice chat.

Record conversations

In addition, there is the option of Record, which allows chats to be accessible over time. If you are an administrator of a Telegram channel, you will be able to record the voice chats of a certain event and save them. Thus, they can be published later so that group members who did not listen to them at the time, have access to it.

To do this, when voice chat is active, you must click on the three menu points (⋮) and give to Start recording. For the duration of the recording, a Red point next to the words voice chat. At the moment you want to finish, activate the points again and select stop recording. It will be automatically saved in Saved messages and you can share the conversation whenever you want.

Raise your hand to speak

Another option is to ask for permission to speak. On channels where members are muted, a listener can activate the Mute feature. raise your hand and, in this way, notify administrators that they want to speak. If you are the administrator yourself, you will be able to choose who intervenes and when they do it, as if it were a press conference. Without a doubt, it is a good option to avoid the chaos that sometimes spreads.

Listener and speaker links

Another option to facilitate the management and participation of users, are the custom links for listeners and speakers. While a voice chat is started, click on the three menu points and select Share invitation link. You can then choose which channel member to send this voice chat to. That person will get a invitation to join. The links generated are very useful so that users can spread the conversations in other communities and thus achieve greater notoriety.

Also, voice chats can be named with a specific title. This will allow users to see the topics of the conversations before joining. To activate it, with the chat started, click on the three points of the conversation menu (⋮) and select edit voice chat title. If you title it for example ‘Rock music’, users will be notified in advance about the subject that is being discussed at that time.

Join voice chat

To enter a voice chat on a Telegram channel, each user will now have the option to do so with their own personal account, or appear as one of its channels.

When entering the chat, in the case of administrators when starting it, the action will automatically open. Then, we will have to choose how we want to be displayed. This is a very useful option for public figures who, for example, want some anonymity and not draw too much attention with their personal profiles.

The post Voice chats on Telegram channels: how they work appeared first on ADSLZone.

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