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UWB: What it is and why Samsung and Apple think it will replace Bluetooth

UWB Ultra wide bandUWB Ultra wide band

Bluetooth is a technology present in Android phones, which can be taken advantage of in various ways. When we consult the specifications of a phone and look at the connectivity section, we usually find them: Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS or NFC. Although there are some brands that are beginning to look for substitutes, such as UWB.

Samsung has already made use of it in the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra. In addition, not only Samsung is showing interest in it, because also other brands such as Apple or Sony are showing interest in using UWB in a massive way. It is likely that you have read something, but you do not know what these acronyms mean or what this technology refers to. Here we tell you everything you need to know about UWB and its potential presence in the market.

What is UWB


UWB stands for ultra wideband, known in Spanish as ultrawide band, which may sound familiar to some of you. It is an old acquaintance in the world of wireless connection, which little by little seems to be preparing its return to the market, with a clear objective, since it seeks to replace Bluetooth.

UWB or ultra-wide band are the set of frequencies that use a bandwidth that is greater than 500 MHzIn addition, there are some connections that use several GHz simultaneously. The main difference is that in these types of bands, a greater transmission capacity is provided than in Bluetooth connections, including Bluetooth 5.0.

Advantages over Bluetooth

We have already mentioned that it has a greater capacity to transmit data. Although it is not the only advantage that UWB has over Bluetooth, because it also shows a greater precision when calculating distances. It is capable of spatially locating objects in a more precise way, having a smaller margin of error than Bluetooth.

The reason it is more accurate is that it calculates the distance measuring the time of flight of the signal to the receiver. Also, it is unidirectional and can calculate direction with an accuracy of 3 degrees. Thanks to this, it is presented as a perfect option for indoor locating devices.

In addition, the UWB has a large capacity to transfer materials (in general, it depends on other factors as well), allowing its coverage and range to be expanded, as well as suffering from less interference. It is also more energy efficient than Bluetooth, having less impact on the battery life of the devices.

Will it replace Bluetooth in the future?

On paper, the UWB has it all to replace Bluetooth, as we have seen. Although at the moment it is a mystery if this is really going to happen or not. Currently there are several brands that are evaluating using this technology in their devices, Samsung already sees it as the technology of the future, after having incorporated it into its Galaxy Note 20 Ultra a couple of months ago. Apple has also shown interest and others such as Sony or Xiaomi would also have shown interest.

There is interest from some big names in the industry, so this could have as a consequence that more companies are going to join and promote it, although this takes some time. It remains to be seen if in 2021 we see more phones that use it and if it manages to advance in the market.

The entry UWB: What it is and why Samsung and Apple believe it will replace Bluetooth appears first in The Free Android.

Me Time Tech

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