In full crisis of the COVID-19 there are many companies that have started to offer free services to whether to support telecommuting, offer services of leisure to pass the quarantineor even to train you from home over the next few weeks isolation.
This is what has decided to make the people of Unity, the popular videogame engine widely used in the industry, has decided to offers its service Unity-Learn-Premium completely free and open to the public for three months.
As the world continues to change, we are committed to helping everyone to learn new skills and capabilities that can help to make your vision a reality. We are pleased to announce that we’re giving everyone free access to Unity’s Learn Premium from today and until 20 June. You only have to log in to access the live sessions with the experts from Unity and more than 350 hours of tutorials, practical projects and in depth courses for the developers of such games and any creator that can take advantage of the power of the technology in real-time. This includes everything from Fundamentals of Design of Game Mechanics in until the Introduction to the Stack Post-processing for VR. In addition, we will be teaching a Create with Code Live, virtual classroom live taught by experts of Unity for students, educators, and anyone who wants to learn programming, starting on Monday 23 march.
Learn Unity with the creators of Unity

The period of complementary access will last from the 19 march until 20 June 2020. Unity-Learn-Premium offers access to interactive sessions of learning with experts in Unity, tutorials, complete courses, projects, and all kinds of resources for learning on demand.
Obviously one of the greatest advantages of this service is that you learn directly from instructors certified by the same people who created the engine of video games. In fact, before you start with Unity Learn Premium, if you do not have any kind of experience with Unity, since the platform offers other free resources to create your first project.
You only need to create an account on the site to begin to learn, and you can access starting from 23 of march to the sessions Create with Code, in which you’ll be able to attend classes in direct starting the next Monday.

Disney+ discounted 69,99 € 59,99 euros for a year: limited offer until 23 march
it was originally published in
Gabriela Gonzalez