The Xiaomi Mi A3 is the latest Android One phone that Xiaomi has launched in Spain. This device has updated to Android 11, which as in previous updates, has not been an easy path. On December 31, the update to Android 11 for the device was launched, but the first problems began to appear.
A few weeks later, the brand relaunched the update to Android 11 for this Xiaomi Mi A3, correcting all the errors. This new update has caused no problems, although the Chinese manufacturer forgot an important novelty: Android 11’s native screen recorder. Finally, it is released for this device.
Xiaomi Mi A3: analysis of the most anticipated Android OneThe Xiaomi Mi A3 was one of the most anticipated Android One phones, and we have finally been able to test it. We tell you the virtues and defects of this great mobile.
The screen recorder arrives on the Xiaomi Mi A3
The screen recorder is one of the novelties which are introduced in Android 11, which phones that have updated can enjoy. Thanks to this function, it is not necessary to install a third-party application to be able to record the screen of the device.
This Xiaomi Mi A3 had run out of this function despite having access to the new version of the operating system already. Luckily, the manufacturer is releasing a new update where this native screen recorder is introduced. The global update has V12.0.4.0.RFQMIXM as serial number and includes the security patch for January 2021. It weighs 329 MB and is already being released through an OTA for this device. In addition to the screen recorder and the security patch, YouTube Music is introduced as a system app on the phone.
The update is rolling out now for this Xiaomi Mi A3 in its global versionTherefore, users in Spain with this device would not have to wait too long to obtain it. It is being launched through an OTA, so you will soon receive a notification informing of its availability. You can also go to the Software update section in the settings, to see if you have an update available.
The entry The Xiaomi Mi A3 is updated to Android 11 with the new screen recorder appears first in The Free Android.