On the Internet there are more than 1,400 millions of active websitesand although the average user tends to visit basically the same things, from time to time all found out some web page new and little known that it seems to us extremely interesting.
It’s like fishing this fish unique and special that perhaps no one else has caught before, and the first impulse will be to want to talk about it. In Engadget all the time we are sharing web sites that we discovered, but we also look to what that they discover other users, and a great example of this are threads like this is stated in r/AskReddit.
What is the web site more cool that you’ve visited and that no one knows?
Now, the average user who comments on Reddit is more like the average user of Engadget, people often explore a little more the web and maybe get to know some of these sites. But let’s remember: more than 1,400 millions of websites out there… you are going to escape many.
We spent a good time looking at recommendations and discarding what is more useless or things that we have already shared before, and we have selected some websites which seemed to us most interesting:

Kung Fu Chess: a version of chess to play online, but without taking turnsis amazing , the adrenaline.
Addicting Games: a lot of mini-games that work in any browser, no Flash.
Classic Reload: more than 6000 games for DOS/Windowspreserved for future generations and that you can play from the browser.
noclip: a digital museum of levels of video games. You can’t play there, but you can mosy along over to the levels of a lot of classic games from multiple consoles, especially Nintendo.
Macintosh Repository: a website in which you get software historical for Mac to run on old hardware or emulators. There are games, programs and all sorts of tools.

Unlisted Videos: a web in which you find the YouTube videos that do not appear in searches, that is, those that are public, but you can only access if you have the URL or you get it inserted in another website.
Temp Mail an email account, disposable, for use in the records they ask for it and other herbs for temporary to those that do not want to give your real address to avoid spam and hassles.
Test Dive: write a film, series, book, author, game, artist, or podcast that you like and get a list of recommendations as similar as possible.
Music-Map: write the name of an artist and get a map of words with similar artists.
Boil the Frog: a website to create a playlist in Spotify between two artists and that it be as seamless as possible.

Tiii.I: calculates the time it will take to see full any tv series.
Hex clock: a clock that changes color hex every second.
sandspiel: a box of sand interactive.
line05x5d: what that must feel like people who take LSD.
WD-1: DJ Trainer.
If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel: if the Moon would represent only a pixe.
Cameron’s World: a “beautiful” file of several geocities stacked on top of each other.
AWGE: I don’t know what to say.

Atlas Obscura: a website to discover places unusual, rare, or little frequented at any place in the world. You only have to type the name of a country or city and see there.
OJAD: a database of japanese accent for the students and teachers of japanese.
The True Size: a web to understand the actual size of the countries on the map.
Typeracer: to see how fast you type with the keyboard.
Small World: a huge gallery of photomicrography.
NSTMF Gravity: to create your own universe.
What The Fuck Should I Make For Dinner: if you want some help to know that to prepare to eat at the dinner.
RSOE EDIS: a map of the world with information and alerts on emergencies and disasters that is updated every five minutes.

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Gabriela Gonzalez