Cybercriminals who want to take advantage of the health crisis caused by the coronavirus do not rest. As announced this Friday, the deputy chief operating of the National Police force, Jose Angel Gonzalez, “you have registered or purchased a few 12.000 domains related to the coronaviruses“only in the last few days.
The increase in the number concerned to the Spanish police because most of these domains have been registered almost at the same time and with the same service providers, ensure.
That fact, points out the control of police, “we suggest that its acquisition may be a step prior to its use for illicit activities such as distribution of computer viruses, or the commission of scams online“. And are very convinced this.
Shops with fake vaccines

“Have No doubt that most of these pages have been open to take advantage of the insecurity and the fear of the population to suffer widespread,” he assured vehemently, the DAO of the National Police during the press conference for this Friday.
Although most of these 12.000 websites do not show any type of content at this point, some of the domains identified by the police because of his relationship with the coronavirus “already starting to show shops online fraudulent offer the sale of vaccines to cure the COVID-19″has announced Gonzalez.
The commissioner of the National Police has explained that these supposed miracle products are displayed “as an efficient alternative to cure the symptoms produced by the virus”. However, the goal is to try to obtain personal and banking data of the users interested in buying those fake remedies.
Therefore, as already warned a few days agowhen it announced the detection of a virus intended to attack the computer systems of the Spanish hospitals, the control of police has recommended to the population do not open suspicious links or download files that do not trust, as well as buying from online stores that provide confidence and not to provide more personal data than strictly necessary. Tips that always, regardless of the situation, we must take into account.

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Toni Castillo